One of the biggest possible revenue sources you can capitalize on might also be the hardest to get into. We’re talking about doing laser tag events at schools. Have you ever wondered how to approach them and pitch laser tag the right away? In the wake of such tragic events in Connecticut, schools might want nothing to do with anything that resembles a gun or “shooting” something. We’ll break it down on how to make it easier, but it depends on the school and your area of business. Every market has different backgrounds in paintball, laser tag, or shooting sports in general.

Thankfully we have a ‘non-gun’ solution which is the Hero Blast. It’s a glove that fits around your hand.

Laser tag is a great activity for a variety of school events such as prom or dance lock-ins, football games, homecoming week, or other spirit weeks. You can set up a clean field right in the gymnasium or any activity area. We have numerous operators that successfully host school events every year and you can too.